Heartfelt Thanks: A Video Message from Teacher Teklehaymnot Elfu

Heartfelt Thanks:
A Video Message from Teacher Teklehaymnot Elfu!"

[Video Transcript]

My name is Teacher Teklehaymanot Elfu, and I am the general manager of the Association of Disabled Eritrean Veterans in Kassala. 


Today, I am here to express my heartfelt gratitude, as well as that of our organization, to Eritrean Humanitarian Organization (EHO)!


Firstly, I want to highlight that my heartfelt gratitude is not without reason. Sudan is currently in the middle of a crisis and a war zone, and despite the risks, Eritrean Humanitarian Organization has managed to support and provide us with aid!


For that, we cannot adequately express our gratitude! Your aid simply means life for us; it saves our lives!


I say this with humility, appreciating all the support, assistance, and financial aid EHO has provided us during this difficult wartime! This aid quenched us when thirsty, fed us when hungry, clothed our nakedness, and cured our sickness!

It has been crucial and timely; it is life for us! EHO’s assistance has been instrumental in sustaining our daily lives, and we remain hopeful and thankful to you for your never-ending support, thanks to your ongoing support!


Your assistance is our backbone and morale booster, and we deeply appreciate your continued support! May the Almighty God keep you safe, and as always, we urge you to continue your ongoing support!


God bless you!

Selam, Peace!!!