What we do

We support refugees in every aspect

Our team of dedicated volunteers is committed to delivering aid to those who need it the most, and we believe that every person deserves access to basic necessities such as food, medical assistance, shelter, and educational resources.


We provide medical assistance to Eritrean refugees who are in need of urgent medical care, and we work to improve access to healthcare services for Eritrean refugees.


We provide shelter assistance to Eritrean refugees who are in need of safe and secure housing, and we work to improve living conditions for Eritrean refugees.


We provide food aid to Eritrean refugees who are facing food shortages due to the pandemic or other challenges.


We provide educational resources to Eritrean refugees to help them access learning opportunities and gain valuable skills.

What we care for

New life for refugees

We have provided shelter, medical and food support to new refugees

A new future for children

we strive to provide support for children refugee with education and hope

Bringing dreams within reach for refugees

We believe that every person deserves access to basic necessities such as food, medical assistance, shelter, and educational resources.